My time-weighted, moving-average BMI dropped below 30 on the 7th. Also, I had to buy a couple new pairs of pants several months ago.
The new pants are starting to feel a little loose too. And just this morning, I put my belt down another notch. To the last notch. It's a little bit too tight this way, but up a notch is way too loose. "Pants feel a little tight" is a good way to keep from snacking at work.
FutureLooking at my log, I see that it will be a year on March 26. I've dropped 33 lb in that time. Since I need a short-term goal to really get me moving, I thought maybe I'd try to reach 40 lb (2/3 of my original long term goal) by the 25th, but I don't think that's really feasible.
Up until now, I've been short an average of ~350 calories/day. To lose 7 lb in 30 days I'd have to short myself ~800 calories/day. That doesn't sound too healthy. So I don't know what short term goal I can set myself.